Responsive Website: WTL Wireless Solutions

Role: UI UX / WordPress Developer

Tools: Figma, WordPress, Google Docs

Duration: Two Weeks

About the Company

WTL Wireless Solutions is a company that offers a range of mobile phone deals, including contract, prepay, and sim-free options. They also provide mobile phone accessories, mobile broadband, and cell phone repair services.


Goals and Challenges

Our objective is to create a website that informs potential customers about our products and services, while also providing a platform for interacting with them about our company’s identity, offerings, scheduling, location and pricing.

In the future, the website will allow customers to purchase our products and services online. As a UX and website designer, I am responsible for enhancing customer experiences across various product lines on both web and mobile platforms.



I conducted interviews with the Owner of the business and customers to understand the goals and challenges of the project. The interview aims to learn about their day-to-day process, what the customers want to know to make a buying decision, use cases, and identify their pain points. Interviews were conducted via MS Teams as representatives are social distancing.

Key Questions

  • What’s the information on a product or services you typically hope to find on a website?
  • What do you imagine will help you better understand a product or service? (like cell phone repair)
  • Imagine you want to repair a cell phone or laptop; what must you decide?
  • What is the most significant pain point related to buying phone accessories?
  • What’s your preferred customer support method?
  • What are your fears about buying from an online shop?

Competitive Analysis

  • The website displays store locations.
  • It’s mobile responsive.
  • There is no mention of the price on the website.
  • The buy button redirects to the franchise store in their location.
  • Repair starts with store contact
    Accessibility compliant
  • The website displays store locations
  • It’s mobile-responsive
  • Purchase is in store
  • The buy button redirects to the franchise store in their location.
  • Repair starts with store contact
  • Not Accessibility compliant
  • The website displays store locations
  • It’s mobile-responsive
  • Purchase is in store
  • The buy button redirects to the franchise store in their location.
  • Repair starts with store contact
  • Not Accessibility compliant


From my findings, I discovered that the business needs a responsive website to reach its target market. An engaging website that displays contact information for various services the company provides.




I created a quick rough sketch of the homepage wireframe — I wanted the homepage to focus on important elements of the entire site. I make sure the Nav bar is easy to locate and understand. I use a  carousel slider for the hero section of the homepage to show different services the business offers.


The high-fidelity design was designed with the users in mind and emphasizing responsiveness, aesthetics, and usability to foster a great experience.


Seamless prototype for a usability test.


I continue to improve the website based on feedback from the team and their customer service reps. I continuously study customer behavior and browsing patterns, gather analytical information, and then update the site regularly to create a better customer shopping experience.

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